Friends and interlocutors

Jana Hensel, writer and journalist, Berlin; Joo Young Hwang, artist and researcher, Bussan/South Korea; Prof. Dr. Bärbel Küster, Kunsthistorisches Institut, University Zurich; Magda Lipska, curator and researcher, Muzeum Sztuki Nowoczesnej w Warszawie / Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw; Kilian Schellbach, artist and co-director, KV Leipzig; Eszter Szakacs, curator, researcher, director OFF BIENNAL Budapest and PhD-candidate at Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis of the University of Amsterdam; Katharina Warda, author, sociologist and PhD-candidate at Humboldt University Berlin; Ala Younis, artist, co-founder of the publishing platform Kayfa ta, Amman/Beirut; Dr. Zoltán Ginelli, historian, Budapest/Leipzig; Prof. Dr. Anthony Masure and Christelle Granite-Noble of l’Institut en art et design as well as Prof. Charlotte Laubard, Dean of the Visual Arts Department, at HEAD Genève, among others.

Research Terms